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Blanding's Turtles


© Jim Lockwood

Wall Lake is an important turtle habitat

Wall Lake is a staging area (location where migrating birds stop to rest and feed) for many birds, including the Bufflehead Duck.  This is why we see so many migrating waterfowl on Wall Lake in the spring and fall.

Why the name Blanding's Turtle?

The Bufflehead Duck gets its name from a combination of "buffalo" and "head", due to its large head.


Their overall small size has evolved to fit the nesting niche of small tree cavities.  The small body size gives them abundant energy and playfulness and they are a delight to watch.


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Blanding's turtles live primarily in wetlands.  Over the decades, loss of wetlands has reduced their habitat and has reduced Blanding's turtle populations.  They thrive intact habitat, but overall their numbers are in decline.  They continue to live at Wall Lake in our wetlands.  It is considered a special sighting when one sees a Blanding's turtle.  Blanding's turtles are considered a Special Concern species.


Laying Eggs

Bufflehead Ducks forage underwater and in freshwater eat insects, snails, fish eggs, and small amounts of plants.  Wall Lake is an important source of food for migrating waterfowl.


In saltwater Buffleheads eat primarily crustaceans and mollusks.

Special Concern Species

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