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Terry was a wonderful Board member. He served for 10 years on the Board.
Terry was a delight to work with. He was very passionate about protecting Wall Lake. He was a solid guy who kept us focused on our mission.
Terry was able to balance this thoughtfulness with a sense of humor. When Terry spoke, we were either in deep thought or having a laugh.
Terry was an innovator. He encouraged us to stock walleye in Wall Lake, and this has been a great success. Also, he came up with the idea of our Kayak The Wall event, which has quickly become our most popular event. Terry really wanted Wall Lake to have a family oriented non-motorized event, and his vision made this possible.
Wall Lake has been lucky to be on the list of things that Terry cared about. Wall Lake has lost a friend, and so have we.
Next time you catch a nice walleye, or Kayak The Wall, please think of Terry Deike.